Studio MiPu is a podium for designers, artists, craftsmen, sculptors of Pune to tell their stories and exchange experiences by means of their designs, products, furniture items, lifestyle accessories. It is formed of the people of Pune, by the people of Pune and for the people all across and beyond Pune.
Developed and built with a unique appeal, studioMiPu undertakes meticulous designing, processing and assembling to get a desired outcome. The objects are a result of persistently working on an idea untimed that exudes high design sensibilities, yet are simple and practical in use giving a more enduring and permanent solution.
Various materials and forms are developed by the designers that create a perfect blend of functionality and aesthetics. Made from local materials, the objects are hand skilled, indigenous and therefore defy the general expectation and preconceived notions.
This podium gives boost to the ‘make in India campaign’ by being designed & built in Pune. These objects are evolved, improvised and inspired from past styles, urban and rural surroundings. Here the welfare of the design community and its stakeholders is protected and raised to a new level. Idea is to create a ‘PuneriKatta’ to build a modern heritage for the futuristic generations.